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Pursuant to the resolution of the Board of Directors dated November 21, 2022, an extraordinary general assembly meeting will be held on December 19, 2022 at 13:00 at the company headquarters.

Türkiye's National Anchor in the Health Sector

Having been a symbol of quality and trust in the pharmaceutical industry, and being committed to its vision, mission and values; Dem İlaç has been established by the pharmaceutical professionals who have been serving in this industry since 1970, and has been serving Turkish Medicine with its effective production rate and rapid results, and increasing its quality and services since 1992.


İnönü Mah. Kayışdağı Cad. Dem Plaza No:172 Ataşehir/İstanbul

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Dem İlaç Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. © 2025 All rights reserved.
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